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ROSEMARY CARLTON-WILLIS • MARIJE CAUDRON • MARIJE DE HAAN MARLEEN KOEVOETS • CALLY YOUDELL • JENNY ZILMER • MARISKA WIERSMA GOOD JOB!Beroepsgerichte mbo-methode Engels voor retail-opleidingen Kennaknkaen 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 109-03-2020 11:30Good Job! Kennismakingskatern Bedankt voor uw interesse in Good Job! Retail. Good Job! Retail is onze beroepsgerichte mbo- methode Engels voor retailopleidingen. De methode is ook geschikt voor professionals die al in de retailbranche werkzaam zijn. De voertaal in de gehele methode is Engels op ERK-niveau B1. De methode bestaat uit een leerwerkboek, het oefen- en toetsprogramma Good Job! Online en een digitaal platform voor spraakherkenning. Over de methode Good Job! Retail is de nieuwe methode Engels speciaal voor retailopleidingen. In deze methode worden aansprekende situaties uit de praktijk behandeld die zich bijvoorbeeld afspelen in een tuincentrum, drogisterij of shopping mall. De customer journey staat hierin altijd centraal, zodat de student leert zich passend uit te drukken in uiteenlopende situaties. De methode is inhoudelijk afgestemd op de geldende kwalicatiedossiers en alle vaardigheden komen aan bod. De methode is geheel in het Engels en bestaat uit een leerwerkboek aangevuld met het online oefenprogramma Good Job! Online waarin de student oefent met woorden en grammatica in de beroepscontext. De basis van de methode is communicatie. Het leerwerkboek bevat Cases die zijn opgebouwd rond een speciek thema, zoals een supermarkt of doe-het-zelfzaak. Binnen een Case werkt de student aan Tasks die onderdeel zijn van een doorlopend verhaal. In elke Task komen verscheidene taalvaardigheden aan bod. Door open vragen kunnen studenten op hun eigen niveau antwoorden wat differentiatie binnen een groep mogelijk maakt. Ook wordt zo de spontane taalproductie gestimuleerd. Elke Case wordt afgesloten met een Final Task waarin de student alles wat hij in die Case geleerd heeft in praktijk brengt. Om aanwezige voorkennis te testen en de les in te leiden is er Get Started!. Deze vragen laten studenten nadenken over hun eigen ervaringen in het vak en wat zij belangrijk vinden als beroepsbeoefenaar. Naast de inleidende vragen van Get Started! zijn er vragen die kritisch nadenken stimuleren bij het gedeelte Critical Thinking. Deze vragen geven studenten de kans om een mening te vormen over typische beroepsvraagstukken. Werkt u tijdens uw lessen liever digitaal? Vanaf januari 2021 is Good Job! Retail beschikbaar in onze interactieve online leeromgeving Studiereader. 2 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 209-03-2020 11:30Contents Case 1: Tech Store Task 1 Introducing TechMax Task 2 TechMax Live Chat Task 3 At the Service Desk Task 4 Information and Advice Task 5 What is Warranted? Task 6 Credit and Con dentiality Task 7 Unhappy Customers Task 8 Following Up Final Task Case 2: Garden Centre Task 1 Pergola Garden Centre Task 2 The Customer Experience Starts Online Task 3 Receiving a Delivery Task 4 Consultation Service Task 5 Orders at the Florist Task 6 On Trend Task 7 Manager's Brie ng Task 8 The Customer Experience Final Task Case 3: Health & Beauty Store Task 1 New Products Task 2 Staff Brie ng Task 3 Giving Advice Task 4 Promotions and Rewards Task 5 Rules, Returns and Refunds Task 6 At the Make-up Counter Task 7 Follow-Up Brie ng Final Task Case 4: Supermarket Case 5: Hardware Store Case 6: Shopping Mall Deze inhoudsopgave is onder voorbehoud. Wilt u op de hoogte blijven van Good Job! Retail, neem dan contact met ons op! 3 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 309-03-2020 11:30Task 1 Introducing TechMax Large chain technology stores sell all kinds of technological products. They need to be up to date with the very latest in marketing trends to reach all their customers. In this task you will learn about marketing and write about an in-store service. GET STARTED! 1. What products are sold in a tech store? 2. What do you think is important when advertising tech products? Reading TechMax is a chain of technology stores in the UK. Its website offers different ways for customers to use the store. 4 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 409-03-2020 11:31 Task 1 – Introducing TechMax what are you looking for? My Account | Site map PHONES COMPUTERS & TABLETS HOUSEHOLD & LIVING AUDIO PHOTO & VIDEO HEALTH & BEAUTY SALE Store of the Month: Spotlight on Shefferton! Shefferton store manager Mikolai Broda introduces our in-store computer repair service! Download the free TechMax App! Track your purchases, deliveries, returns, wishlist and communications in one handy app! Contact us however you want – phone, SMS, email, instant messaging – all through the app! Sync the app across your devices, so you always have the information you need! View our entire collection online! Make purchases with one-touch payment through our secure in-app payment method! Use the app when you visit a store to check what’s in stock and to make purchases with our fast checkout service! Use your in-app digital loyalty card to get rewards for your spending and apply discounts, in-store or online! Find your nearest computer repair service SALE! 25% off ALL Hairistics hair and styling accessories! Shop the sale Hi there, I’m Tom! Can I help you with anything? 5 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 509-03-2020 11:31Good Job! Case 1 – Part 1 Exercise 1 Read the webpage and answer the questions. 1. In what ways can customers buy products from TechMax? 2. What different ways does TechMax use to make contact with customers? 3. How is the app useful for deliveries? 4. How can customers use the app to make purchases? 5. How does the digital loyalty card help customers save money? Exercise 2 Complete the sentences with the correct word. Choose from: discount / loyalty card / purchase / secure / track / wishlist 1. A is something you have bought or are going to buy. 2. When you make a note of all the items you would like to buy or own, that is called a . 3. To follow the progress of something, e.g. a postal delivery, is to it. 4. To lower the price of an item is to apply a . 5. When something is , that means it is safe to use. 6. Many stores offer a : you use this when you buy things to get rewards and discounts. Exercise 3 a. Retailers often use imperatives in their marketing. For example: Track all your purchases, deliveries, returns, wishlist and communications in one handy app! Why do you think adverts often contain imperatives? Give your opinion. 6 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 609-03-2020 11:31 Task 1 – Introducing TechMax b. Complete the sentences with the correct imperative. Choose from: chat / contact / download / make / shop / sync / use / view 1. your tablet with your laptop and phone! 2. the free software from our website! 3. purchases with our secure online payment system! 4. Bluetooth technology for faster communication! 5. with one of our customer service agents! 6. our full range of products online! 7. us today for your free quote! 8. our collection online from the comfort of your home! Exercise 4 Go to Good Job! Online. Watch the video Case 1 Task 1 Introducing TechMax. Discuss the questions with a partner. Write down your answers. 1. What does Mikolai mean when he says TechMax is a “one-stop shop”? 2. What do you think is meant by “state-of-the-art”? You can look it up. 3. What is this video mostly advertising? 4. What do you think is meant by “competitive rates”? You can look it up. 5. Is this advertisement only useful for people in Shefferton? Why/why not? 7 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 709-03-2020 11:31Good Job! Case 1 – Part 1 Exercise 5 Watch the video Introducing TechMax again. Describe and advertise the computer repair service in your own words, as if you worked for TechMax. Write at least ve sentences. Exercise 6 What other subjects could a tech store make promotional videos about? Give an example and explain why it would be a good idea. 8 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 809-03-2020 11:31Task 2 TechMax Live Chat A lot of shopping takes place online. Because of this, many stores now offer online customer support through instant messaging. In this task you will see online chats between customer service agents and customers, and practise useful phrases for customer service. GET STARTED! 1. What do you think about using instant messaging to talk to customers online? 2. What do you think is important when talking to a customer online? Reading Customer service agent Tom has a conversation with Chloe, who is shopping online at TechMax. Hi there! I’m Tom! Can I help you with anything? 14:36 Hi Tom! I’m looking for noise-cancelling headphones. I can’t decide between the Soundblast and the Zoombox models. Which would you recommend for classical music? Live chat Tom If you listen to a lot of classical music I would recommend Faze as the best brand. Faze is the world standard for classical music. 9 200004-9 Good Job Retail KmK.indd 909-03-2020 11:31Next >